Canadian Urological Oncology Group

           Affiliated to the Canadian Urological Association

About CUOG

Created, owned and operated by its members, the Canadian Urologic Oncology Group (CUOG) is a clinical research investigator network. The Consortium is a national alliance of leading academic and community based urologists, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists, committed to furthering urology research in Canada including pharmaceutical trials. CUOG, a non-profit, non-share corporation, has a cooperative relationship with the Canadian Urology Association (CUA), and partners with the Canadian Urology Research Consortium (CURC) with respect to mutually held oncology studies.



Our Goals


  Clinical Trials

CUOG pursues clinical trials in concert with the pharmaceutical industry to find medicines and cures to tackle urological disorders including, but not restricted to:

  • Prostate cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Renal cancer
  • Testicular cancer

Together with industry CUOG offers enhanced research options, which ultimately deliver better quality of life to Canadians.



CUOG creates value by:

  • Facilitating rapid accrual to clinical trials
  • Building and managing national resources to benefit physicians, pharmaceutical industry and the public
  • Providing a uro-oncolgic specific focus and concentration of expertise
  • Providing an efficient professional business approach based on fairness, transparency and credibility
  • Setting standards for clinical research and clinical trial performance
  • Collectively offering enhanced treatment options
  • Building awareness campaigns and continued medical education

Measure of success

CUOG’s success will be measured in our ‘giving-back’ of knowledge, information and services through:

  • Networked clinical trial performance
  • Enhanced clinical trial productivity
  • Growth in attracting industry players to CUOG
  • International outreach to the uro-oncology community
  • Publication of research
  • Self-sufficiency and credibility
  • Leading urology clinical research in new directions to achieve excellence in clinical care